LIBROS de la Loeb Classical Library
Apuleius: The Golden Ass W. Adlington / S. Gaselee - Loeb Classical Library. |
Ausonius 1: H. G. Evelyn White - Loeb Classical Library. |
Ausonius 2: H. G. Evelyn White - Loeb Classical Library. |
Bede: Opera Historica - Books I-III J. E. King - Loeb Classical Library. |
Bede: Opera Historica - Books IV-V J. E. King - Loeb Classical Library. |
Boethius: Theological Tractates and The Consolation of Philosophy H. F. Stewart - Loeb Classical Library. |
Cicero: De Finibus Bonorum et Malorum H. Rackham - Loeb Classical Library. |
Cicero: De Oratore Books I-II E. W. Sutton / H. Rackham - Loeb Classical Library. |
Claudianus, I: Probinus and Olybrius. In Rufinum 1 and 2. Gildo. In Eutropium 1 and 2. Fescennina. Epithalamium of Honorius and Maria. Panegyrics on the Third and Fourth Consulships of Honorius. Panegyric on the Consulship of Manlius. On Stilicho's Consulship 1 M. Platnauer - Loeb Classical Library. |
Claudianus, II: Panegyric on the Sixth Consulship of Honorius. The Gothic War. Shorter Poems. Rape of Proserpina M. Platnauer - Loeb Classical Library. |
Columella 1: Res Rustica I-IV H. Boyd - Loeb Classical Library. |
Columella 2: Res Rustica V-IX E. S. Forster / E. D. Heffner - Loeb Classical Library. |
Horace: Satires, Epistles, Ars Poetica H. R. Fairclough - Loeb Classical Library. |
Juvenal and Persius G. G. Ramsay - Loeb Classical Library. |
Lucanus: The Civil War (Pharsalia). J. D. Duff - Loeb Classical Library. |
Minor Latin Poets: Publius Syrus - Elegiae in Maecenatem - Grattius - Calpurnius Siculus - Laus Pisonis - Einsieldeln Eclogues - Precatio Terrae - Precatio Omnium Herbarum - Aetna - Florus - Hadrian - Nemesianus - Reposianus - Tiberianus - Servasius - Dicta Catonis - Phoenix - Avianus - Rutilus Namatianus A. M. Duff / J. W. Duff - Loeb Classical Library. |
Ovid: Fasti J. G. Frazer - Loeb Classical Library. |
Ovid: Tristia - Ex Ponto A. L. Wheeler - Loeb Classical Library. |
Ovid: Heroides - Amores G. Showerman - Loeb Classical Library. |
Ovid: Metamorphoses - Book I-VIII F. J. Miller - Loeb Classical Library. |
Ovid: Metamorphoses - Book IX-XV F. J. Miller - Loeb Classical Library. |
Plautus IV: The little Carthaginian - Pseudolus - The Rope P. Nixon - Loeb Classical Library. |
Plautus V: Stichus - Three Bob Day - Truculentus - The Tale of a Travelling Bag - Fragments P. Nixon - Loeb Classical Library. |
Pliny I: Natural History - Books I-II H. Rackham - Loeb Classical Library. |
Pliny II: Natural History - Books III-VII H. Rackham - Loeb Classical Library. |
Pliny III: Natural History - Books VIII-XI H. Rackham - Loeb Classical Library. |
Pliny IV: Natural History - Books XII-XVI H. Rackham - Loeb Classical Library. |
Pliny V: Natural History - Books XVII-XIX H. Rackham - Loeb Classical Library. |
Pliny VI: Natural History - Books XX-XXIII H. Rackham - Loeb Classical Library. |
Pliny VII: Natural History - Books XXIV-XXVII H. Rackham - Loeb Classical Library. |
Pliny IX: Natural History - Books XXII-XXXIV H. Rackham - Loeb Classical Library. |
Propertius H. E. Butler - Loeb Classical Library. |
Prudentius, I: Preface. Daily Round. Divinity of Christ. Origin of Sin. Fight for Mansoul. Against Symmachus H. J. Thomson - Loeb Classical Library. |
Prudentius, II: Crowns of Martyrdom. Scenes From History. Epilogue. H. J. Thomson - Loeb Classical Library. |
Quintilianus I: Institutio Oratoria H. E. Butler - Loeb Classical Library. |
Quintilianus II: Institutio Oratoria H. E. Butler - Loeb Classical Library. |
Quintilianus III: Institutio Oratoria H. E. Butler - Loeb Classical Library. |
Quintilianus IV: Institutio Oratoria H. E. Butler - Loeb Classical Library. |
Remains of old Latin 1: Ennius and Caecilius E. H. Warmington - Loeb Classical Library. |
Remains of old Latin 2: Livius Andronicus - Naevius - Pacuvius - Accius E. H. Warmington - Loeb Classical Library. |
Remains of old Latin 3: Lucilius - The Twelve Tables E. H. Warmington - Loeb Classical Library. |
Seneca: Ad Lucilium Epistulae Morales 1. R. M. Gummere - Loeb Classical Library. |
Seneca: Ad Lucilium Epistulae Morales 2. R. M. Gummere - Loeb Classical Library. |
Seneca: Ad Lucilium Epistulae Morales 3. R. M. Gummere - Loeb Classical Library. |
Seneca: Hercules Furens - Troades - Medea - Hippolytus - Oedipus F. J. Miller - Loeb Classical Library. |
Seneca: Agamemnon - Thyestes - Hercules Oetaeus - Phoenissae - Octavia F. J. Miller - Loeb Classical Library. |
Silius Italicus, I: Punica Books 1-8. J. D. Duff - Loeb Classical Library. |
Silius Italicus, II: Punica Books 9-17 J. D. Duff - Loeb Classical Library. |
Statius, I: Silvae. Thebaid Books 1-4. J. H. Mozley - Loeb Classical Library. |
Statius, II: Thebaid Books 5-12. Achilleid. J. H. Mozley - Loeb Classical Library. |
Suetonius I: The Life of the Caesars J. C. Rolfe - Loeb Classical Library. |
Suetonius II: The Life of the Caesars / The Life of Illustrious men J. C. Rolfe - Loeb Classical Library. |
Tacitus I: Dialogus - Agricola - Germania. W. Peterson - Loeb Classical Library. |
Tacitus II: The Histories Books I-III C.H. Moore - Loeb Classical Library. |
Tacitus III: Dialogus - Agricola - Germania. W. Peterson - Loeb Classical Library. |
Tacitus IV: The Histories Books IV-V / The Annals Books I-III. G. P. Goold / J. Jackson - Loeb Classical Library. |
Tacitus V: The Annals Books IV-XII. J. Jackson - Loeb Classical Library. |
Terence II: Phormio. The Mother-in-Law. The Brothers J. Sargeaunt - Loeb Classical Library. |
Tertullian / Minucius Felix: Apology. De spectaculis. / Octavius T. R. Glover / G. H. Rendall / W. C. A. Kerr - Loeb Classical Library. |
Varro, I: On the Latin Language - Books 5-7. Roland G. Kent - Loeb Classical Library. [descargar] |
Varro, II: On the Latin Language, - Books 8-10. Fragments Roland G. Kent - Loeb Classical Library. |
Velleius Paterculus: Compendium of Roman history. Res gestae divi Augusti F. W. Shiply - Loeb Classical Library. |
Virgil, I: Eclogues. Georgics. Aeneid Books 1-6 H. Rushton Fairclough - Loeb Classical Library. |
Virgil, II: Aeneid Books 7-12, Appendix Vergiliana H. Rushton Fairclough - Loeb Classical Library. |
Vitruvius: On Architecture I F. Granger - Loeb Classical Library. |
Aeschines: Speeches C. D. Adams - Loeb Classical Library. |
Aeschylus I: Suppliant Maidens - Persians - Prometheus - Seven Against Thebes Herbert Weir Smyth - Loeb Classical Library. |
Aeschylus II: Agamemnon - Libation-Bearers - Eumenides - Fragments Herbert Weir Smyth - Loeb Classical Library. |
Apollodorus, I: The Lybrary - Books 1-3.9 J. G. Frazer - Loeb Classical Library. |
Apollodorus, II: The Lybrary - Books 3.10-end. Epitome J. G. Frazer - Loeb Classical Library. |
Apollonius Rhodius: Argonautica R. C. Seaton - Loeb Classical Library. |
Appian 1: Roman History Books 1-8.1 H. White - Loeb Classical Library. |
Appian 2: Roman History Books 8.2-12 H. White - Loeb Classical Library. |
Appian 3: The Civil Wars - Books 1-3.26 H. White - Loeb Classical Library. |
Appian 4: The Civil Wars - Books 3.27-5 H. White - Loeb Classical Library. |
Aristophanes I: The Acharnians - The Knights - The Clouds - The Wasps Benjamin Bickley Rogers - Loeb Classical Library. |
Aristophanes II: The Peace - The Birds - The Frogs Benjamin Bickley Rogers - Loeb Classical Library. |
Aristophanes III: The Lysistrata - The Thesmophoriazusae - The Ecclesiazusae - The Plutus Benjamin Bickley Rogers - Loeb Classical Library. |
Aristotle: Politics H. Rackham - Loeb Classical Library. |
Aristotle: Parts of Animals - Movements of animals - Progresions of animals E. S. Forster - Loeb Classical Library. |
Aristotle: Problems Books XXII-XXXVIII / Rhetorica ad Alexandrum W. S. Hett / H. Rackham - Loeb Classical Library. |
Arrian I: Anabasis Alexandri Books I-IV E. I. Robson - Loeb Classical Library. |
Arrian II: Anabasis Alexandri Books V-VII / Indica E. I. Robson - Loeb Classical Library. |
Callimachus, Hymns and Epigrams. Lycophron. Aratus. Mair, A. W. & G. R - Loeb Classical Library. |
Clement of Alexandria: The Exhortation to the Greeks. The Rich Man's Salvation. To the Newly Baptized G. W. Butterworth - Loeb Classical Library. |
Diogenes Laertius II: Lives of Eminent Philosophers - Books VI-X R. D. Hicks - Loeb Classical Library. |
Dionysius of Halicarnasus I: The Roman antiquities E. Cary - Loeb Classical Library. |
Dionysius of Halicarnasus II: The Roman antiquities E. Cary - Loeb Classical Library. |
Dionysius of Halicarnasus III: The Roman antiquities E. Cary - Loeb Classical Library. |
Dionysius of Halicarnasus IV: The Roman antiquities E. Cary - Loeb Classical Library. |
Dionysius of Halicarnasus V: The Roman antiquities E. Cary - Loeb Classical Library. |
Dionysius of Halicarnasus VI: The Roman antiquities E. Cary - Loeb Classical Library. |
Dionysius of Halicarnasus VII: The Roman antiquities E. Cary - Loeb Classical Library. |
Epictetus I: The discurses as reported by Arrian, the manual and Fragments W. A. Oldfather - Loeb Classical Library. |
Epictetus II: The discurses as reported by Arrian, the manual and Fragments W. A. Oldfather - Loeb Classical Library. |
Euripides I: Iphigenia at Aulis - Rhesus - Hecuba - The daughters of Troy - Helen. Arthur S. Way - Loeb Classical Library. |
Euripides II: Electra - Orestes - Iphigenia in Taurica - Andromache - Cyclops Arthur S. Way - Loeb Classical Library. |
Euripides III: Bacchanals - Madness of Hercules - Children of Hercules - Phoenician Maidens - Suppliants Arthur S. Way - Loeb Classical Library. |
Euripides IV: Ion - Hippolytus - Medea - Alcestis Arthur S. Way - Loeb Classical Library. |
Galen: On the natural faculties A. J. Brock - Loeb Classical Library. |
Greek Bucolic Poets: Theocritus. Bion. Moschus. J. M. Edmonds - Loeb Classical Library. |
Hesiod, the Homeric hymns, and Homerica H. G. Evelyn-White - Loeb Classical Library. |
Hipocrates I W. H. S. Jones - Loeb Classical Library. |
Hipocrates II W. H. S. Jones - Loeb Classical Library. |
Hipocrates III W. H. S. Jones - Loeb Classical Library. |
Hipocrates IV W. H. S. Jones - Loeb Classical Library. |
Homer, I: Iliad I: Books 1-12 A. T. Murray - Loeb Classical Library. |
Homer, II: Iliad II: Books 13-24 A. T. Murray - Loeb Classical Library. |
Homer, III: Odyssey I: Books 1-12 A. T. Murray - Loeb Classical Library. |
Homer, IV: Odyssey II: Books 13-24 A. T. Murray - Loeb Classical Library. |
Longus / Parthenius: Daphnis & Chloe / The Love romances and other fragments G. Thornley / J. M. Edmonds / S. Gaselee - Loeb Classical Library. |
Lucian of Samosata 1: Phalaris. Hippias or The Bath. Dionysus. Heracles. Amber or The Swans. The Fly. Nigrinus. Demonax. The Hall. My Native Land. Octogenarians. A True Story. Slander. The Consonants at Law. The Carousal (Symposium) or The Lapiths A. M. Harmon - Loeb Classical Library. |
Lucian of Samosata 2: The Downward Journey or The Tyrant. Zeus Catechized. Zeus Rants. The Dream or The Cock. Prometheus. Icaromenippus or The Sky-man. Timon or The Misanthrope. Charon or The Inspectors. Philosophies for Sale A. M. Harmon - Loeb Classical Library. |
Lucian of Samosata 3: The Dead Come to Life or The Fisherman. The Double Indictment or Trials by Jury. On Sacrifices. The Ignorant Book Collector. The Dream or Lucian's Career. The Parasite. The Lover of Lies. The Judgement of the Goddesses. On Salaried Posts in Great Houses A. M. Harmon - Loeb Classical Library. |
Lucian of Samosata 4: Anacharsis or Athletics. Menippus or The Descent into Hades. On Funerals. A Professor of Public Speaking. Alexander the False Prophet. Essays in Portraiture. Essays in Portraiture Defended. The Goddesse of Surrye A. M. Harmon - Loeb Classical Library. |
Lucian of Samosata 5: The Passing of Peregrinus. The Runaways. Toxaris or Friendship. The Dance. Lexiphanes. The Eunuch. Astrology. The Mistaken Critic. The Parliament of the Gods. The Tyrannicide. Disowned A. M. Harmon - Loeb Classical Library. |
Lucian of Samosata 6: How to Write History. The Dipsads. Saturnalia. Herodotus or Aetion. Zeuxis or Antiochus. A Slip of the Tongue in Greeting. Apology for the "Salaried Posts in Great Houses." Harmonides. A Conversation with Hesiod. The Scythian or The Consul. Hermotimus or Concerning the Sects. To One Who Said "You're a Prometheus in Words." The Ship or The Wishes K. Kilburn - Loeb Classical Library. |
Lucian of Samosata 7: Dialogues of the Dead. Dialogues of the Sea-Gods. Dialogues of the Gods. Dialogues of the Courtesans M. D. Macleod - Loeb Classical Library. |
Lyra Graeca, I: The remains of all the Greek lyric poets from Eumelus to Timotheus excepting Pindar. J. M. Edmonds - Loeb Classical Library. |
Lyra Graeca, II: The remains of all the Greek lyric poets from Eumelus to Timotheus excepting Pindar. J. M. Edmonds - Loeb Classical Library. |
Lyra Graeca, III: The remains of all the Greek lyric poets from Eumelus to Timotheus excepting Pindar. J. M. Edmonds - Loeb Classical Library. |
Menander: The principal fragments. Francis G. Allinson - Loeb Classical Library. |
Minor Attic Orators 1: Antiphon - Andocides K. J. Maidment - Loeb Classical Library. |
Minor Attic Orators 2: Licurgus - Dinarchus - Demades - Hyperides J. O. Burt - Loeb Classical Library. |
Nonnos, I: Dionysiaca, Books 1-15 . W. H. D. Rouse - Loeb Classical Library |
Nonnos, II: Dionysiaca, Books 16-35 . W. H. D. Rouse - Loeb Classical Library |
Nonnos, III: Dionysiaca, Books 36-48 . W. H. D. Rouse - Loeb Classical Library |
Pausanias: Description of Greece Books I-II W. H. S. Jones / H. A. Ormerod - Loeb Classical Library. |
Pausanias: Description of Greece Books III-V W. H. S. Jones / H. A. Ormerod - Loeb Classical Library. |
Philostratus the Elder / Philostratus the Younger / Callistratus: Imagines / Imagines / Descriptions A. Fairbanks - Loeb Classical Library. |
Polybius I W. R. Paton - Loeb Classical Library. |
Polybius II W. R. Paton - Loeb Classical Library. |
Polybius III W. R. Paton - Loeb Classical Library. |
Procopius I H. B. Dewing - Loeb Classical Library. |
Procopius II H. B. Dewing - Loeb Classical Library. |
Procopius IV H. B. Dewing - Loeb Classical Library. |
Procopius V H. B. Dewing - Loeb Classical Library. |
Quintus Smyrnaeus: The fall of Troy A. S. Way - Loeb Classical Library. |
Sophocles I: Oedipus the King - Eoedipus at Colonus - Antigone F. Storr - Loeb Classical Library. |
Sophocles II: Ajax - Electra - Trachiniae - Philoctetes F. Storr - Loeb Classical Library. |
Strabo I: The Geography H. L. Jones - Loeb Classical Library. |
Strabo V: The Geography H. L. Jones - Loeb Classical Library. |
Strabo VI: The Geography H. L. Jones - Loeb Classical Library. |
Strabo VII: The GeographyStrabo VIII: The Geography H. L. Jones - Loeb Classical Library. |
Strabo VIII: The Geography H. L. Jones - Loeb Classical Library. |
The Apostolics Fathers I: The Shepherd of Hermas - The Martyrdom of Polycarp - The Epistle to Diognetus K. Lake - Loeb Classical Library. |
The Apostolics Fathers II: I Clement - II Clement - Ignatius Polycarp - Didache - Barnabas K. Lake - Loeb Classical Library. |
The Greek Anthology (vol.1) Books 1-6: Christian Epigrams. / Christodorus of Thebes in Egypt. / The Cyzicene Epigrams. / The Proems of the Different Anthologies. / The Amatory Epigrams. / The Dedicatory Epigrams Paton, W. R. - Loeb Classical Library. |
The Greek Anthology (vol. 2) Books 7-8: Sepulchral Epigrams. / The Epigrams of St. Gregory the Theologian Paton, W. R. - Loeb Classical Library. |
The Greek Anthology (vol. 3) Book 9: The Declamatory Epigrams Paton, W. R. - Loeb Classical Library. |
The Greek Anthology (vol. 4) Books 10-12: The Hortatory and Admonitory Epigrams. / The Convivial and Satirical Epigrams. / Strato's Musa Puerilis Paton, W. R. - Loeb Classical Library. |
The Greek Anthology (vol. 5) Books 13-16: Epigrams in Various Metres. / Arithmetical Problems, Riddles, Oracles. Miscellanea. / Epigrams of the Planudean Anthology Not in the Palatine Manuscript Paton, W. R. - Loeb Classical Library. |
Thucydides 1: History of the Peloponesian War Books I-II C. Forster Smith - Loeb Classical Library. |
Thucydides 2: History of the Peloponesian War Books III-IV C. Forster Smith - Loeb Classical Library. |
Thucydides 3: History of the Peloponesian War Books V-VI C. Forster Smith - Loeb Classical Library. |
Thucydides 4: History of the Peloponesian War Books VII-VIII C. Forster Smith - Loeb Classical Library. |
Xenophon: Cyropaedia I Books I-IV W. Miller - Loeb Classical Library. |
Xenophon: Cyropaedia II Books V-VIII W. Miller - Loeb Classical Library. |
Xenophon: Hellenica Books I-V C. L. Brownson - Loeb Classical Library. |
Xenophon: Hellenica Books VI-VII / Anabasis Books I-III C. L. Brownson - Loeb Classical Library. |